Agenda is a non-profit meeting point for people that are interested in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Our goal is to provide opportunities for exchanging knowledge, networking and connecting with industrial partners in the Freiburg area.

Our main activity is the organization of meetups. Each meetup is started by a keynote lecture before diving into an open discussion. The events are managed over our meetup page. Please register (for free) and follow the group to receive information about the latest events.

On this page, you will find material (abstracts/slides) of previous events. Please feel free to contact us, if you have a suggestion for a keynote speaker or any feedback.


  • Abhinav Valada
    Upcoming Event: Thursday, 1. August 2024, 19:00 at IMBIT building.
    Prof. Abhinav Valada, Professor at the University of Freiburg
    The Cambrian Explosion of Robotic Intelligence
    Meetup event

    Abhinav Valada is a Full Professor at the University of Freiburg, where he directs the Robot Learning Lab. He is a member of the Department of Computer Science, the BrainLinks-BrainTools center, and a founding faculty of the ELLIS Unit Freiburg.

  • Paul Jaeger
    Thursday, 4. July 2024.
    Recording is now online. Find the recording on Youtube
    Paul F. Jaeger, Research Group Leader at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Helmholtz Imaging
    Towards Transforming Healthcare with General-Purpose AI
    Meetup event Recording on Youtube

    Paul F. Jaeger is a principal investigator at the Interactive Machine Learning Group at the German Cancer Research Center and Helmholtz Imaging. After studying in Karlsruhe, Stockholm, and Melbourne, and doing an internship at Facebook AI Research in Montreal, he received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from KIT. His research focuses on image analysis algorithms, with a particular focus on human interaction.

  • Fabian Mentzer
    Previous event
    Fabian Mentzer, Google Zürich
    Compressing everything with neural networks and the path to production
    Meetup event
  • Andreas Blattmann
    Previous event
    Andreas Blattmann, LMU Munich, Stability AI
    Efficient Visual Content Creation with Latent Diffusion Models
    Meetup event

    Andreas is a Ph.D. student at LMU Munich and works as a research scientist for Stability AI in Freiburg. His research focuses on efficient and controllable generative modeling of images and videos, such as his recent work on latent diffusion aka Stable Diffusion.

  • Betty van Aken
    Previous event
    Betty van Aken, Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT)
    ProtoPatient: Interpretable Diagnosis Prediction with Prototypical Networks
    Meetup event

    Betty works as an NLP researcher and PhD student at Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT). Her current research focusses on transfer learning for clinical NLP with the goal to develop explainable models for clinical decision support.

  • NeurIPS Logo
    Previous event series:
    Tuesday, 7. Dec to Friday, 10. Dec
    Official NeurIPS Conference Meetup:
    Keynotes and Tutorials
    Q&A and Meet & Greet sessions.
  • Timo Denk
    Previous talk
    Timo Denk, Zalando
    A Brief Overview of the Success Story of Large Language Models
    Meetup event Timo Denk
  • Lena Maier Hein
    Previous event
    Lena Maier-Hein, DKFZ Heidelberg:
    Why Domain Knowledge is Crucial for ML-based Medical Image Analysis
    Meetup event CV
  • NeurIPS Logo
    Event series: 7. Dec to 11. Dec
    Official NeurIPS Conference Meetup:
    Keynotes, Tutorial, Workshop invited Talks.
    Q&A with Experts and Meet & Greet sessions.
  • Tobias Schubert
    Previous talk
    Tobias Schubert, Sick AG:
    Applied Deep Learning: The Application of University Research in the Field of Deep Learning to Industrial Automations
    Meetup event

    Tobias Schubert received both his diploma and his PhD in mathematics at the University of Regensburg. After that, he was a postdoc at Wolfram Burgard’s autonomous intelligent system lab at the University of Freiburg for almost five years where he worked in the fields of machine learning, robotics and neuroscience. In 2018, he switched from academia to industry and became a development engineer as part of the Deep Learning Initiative of SICK AG.

  • Christoph Zimmer
    Previous talk
    Christoph Zimmer, Bosch Center for AI:
    Safe Active Learning for Time-Series Modeling with Gaussian Processes
    Meetup event

    Cristoph Zimmer is a research scientist at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence. His research interests include calibration, parameter identifiability, safe active learning, and stochastic processes.
    Before working at Bosch, he obtained his PhD from the Heidelberg university in interdisciplinary mathematics and he collaborated with systems biologists and epidemiologists during his postdocs at the center for modeling and simulations in the biosciences in Heidelberg and Yale School of Public Health.

  • Prof. Frank Hutter
    Previous talk
    Frank Hutter, University of Freiburg:
    Towards Automated Deep Learning
    Slides (pdf, 2.7MB)
    Meetup event

    Frank Hutter is a Professor for Machine Learning at the University of Freiburg. His main research interests span machine learning, artificial intelligence, combinatorial optimization, and automated algorithm design.

    Links for more information:
    - Homepage Frank Hutter
    - View event on
  • Freiburg AI logo
    Freiburg AI was founded in fall 2019. is organized in cooperation with

Averbis is a text mining company located in Freiburg which is specialized on analyzing unstructed records from the medical and life science domain using state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) tools. The goal in the medical field is to support healthcare professionals in data-driven clinical research, informed clinical decision-making and automation of routine cognitive processes.
BrainLinks-BrainTools was established in 2012 as a cluster of excellence within the excellence inititative by the DFG and is funded as a Center since 2019 from the Federal Ministry of Economics, Science and Arts of Baden-Württemberg. BrainLinks-BrainTools aims to develop medical technology that directly interacts with the nervous system. As a result of the cluster, the new Intelligent Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology (IMBIT) building at the Technical Faculty in Freiburg was constructed. is brought to you by

Jörg Franke
Jörg Franke

Jörg is currently pursuing his PhD in the machine learning lab of Frank Hutter. He is working on reinforcement learning, neural architecture search and transfer learning with a special interest in microbiology.

David Hübner
David Hübner

During his PhD, David worked on new unsupervised machine learning and medical applications in the field of brain-computer interfaces. After completion, he joined Averbis where he works on natural language processing for medical documents.

Former Organizer
Torster Koller
Torsten Koller

Torsten has previosuly worked on the intersection of machine learning and control theory with a focus on safe reinforcement learning. He also worked in his own startup and as a technical consultant for Averbis.

Contact Us

Please feel invited to send us suggestions for new keynote speakers, or if you have feedback or other inquiries.